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Annual Video Access Rent Bundle (198 videos) Annual Video Access

Join Alternative Horsemanship™ the Remote Horse Coach to increase your understanding of the horse, improve horse-skills, learn horse behavior, raise self-awareness in how your mindset affects your equine interaction, improve your balance and confidence in the saddle, and so much more!

Subscribing to an annual pass to the video catalog, you'll have unlimited access to over 200 horse learning videos for an entire year. Whether you're interested in groundwork, riding, improving horse skills, understanding equine behavior, looking to build your confidence, or general horse care, our video catalog covers a wide range of topics.

Don't miss out on this chance to enhance your horsemanship while improving your self-awareness, clarity of communication, understanding of the horse to develop a willing, adaptable, reasonable equine partner.

Total (including taxes)
USD $275.00  for 1 year rental
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