Let's get Real
Truth be told, many horse owners are constantly dealing with a barrage of horse training methods and approaches, unasked-for opinions from fellow boarders or barn owners, and a whole slew of social media posts, videos, and articles on how to stop, block, critique, or contain unwanted, chaotic, defensive, reactive, avoidant, or anticipative horse behaviors.
Most mainstream horse training practices offer a one-size-fits-all step-by-step training guide (i.e. easily marketable) to the public as the "solution."
The reality is, despite good intentions in trying to learn and help the horse, more often than not, equine enthusiasts are left frustrated, overwhelmed, and all too often hurt or scared, because they have not been educated in how to recognize root causes versus masking symptoms of problematic behaviors. They have not been taught how to assess, refine, or adapt to improve their horse skills, leaving them lacking the ability to create quality long-term changes in horse interactions.

Creating a Common Language- Building Quality Equine Partnerships
When one learns how to simplify understanding horse behavior and communication, they can then create a "common language" allowing for the following to occur:
1.) Eliminating guessing what the horse will do next.
2.) Real-time recognition of the horse's subtle feedback to pinpoint overlooked aspects that lead to big, dramatic, or triggering behaviors. This allows one to learn "where" to start.
3.) It reflects "holes" in communication and what one needs to focus their learning on to support the horse in his learning.
4.) It teaches one how to check in and understand the animal's feedback, creating a change from previously or potentially escalating or over-whelming scenarios to confidence-building opportunities as one learns how to adapt communication to be relevant to what the equine is experiencing.
5.) Self-imposed urgent and scary horse scenarios diminish replaced with segmented, specific, intentional communication that creates building blocks to develop the horse's trust and his try.
6.) Hopeful, passive interactions shift to fulfilling experiences along the learning journey and bond they build based on trust, leading to a willing, adaptable equine partner.
Choose your horse learning journey
Explore a variety of horse learning opportunities with an extensive library of over 200 Alternative Horsemanship™ the Remote Horse Coach instructional videos, featuring a diverse range of courses, classes, and webinars. Flexible options including individual video rentals, series purchases, short-term courses, monthly subscriptions, or annual access to all content, designed to enhance your horse skills and horsemanship knowledge.

"You're not just a horse trainer... you understand the psychology to help the human and horse." Remote Coaching Student Mariana Chile 2025
Samantha Harvey's approach is to help students bridge the gap in understanding the horse as a foundation. She offers relevant, specific instruction addressing the overlooked aspects that can quickly overwhelm owners.
Helping students recognize horse communication while developing their abilities allows them to create a common language leading to a mentally available, physical adaptable, willing equine partner.

Watch when convenient
Horse video rentals vary from daily, weekly, monthly, or annual options.
Horse video rentals vary from daily, weekly, monthly, or annual options.

Knowledge for all Experience Levels
Applicable content for wherever you are in your horse journey.
Applicable content for wherever you are in your horse journey.

The First Step
Learning with and about horses is an ongoing opportunity for refinement.
Learning with and about horses is an ongoing opportunity for refinement.

Symptoms vs Source
Learn to address the contributing source(s) to unwanted equine behavior.
Learn to address the contributing source(s) to unwanted equine behavior.

Horse Skills & Behavior Livestreams
Two Livestreams per month, ranging from 20-30 minutes. Each will have replays available during the month of their original streaming.