The Remote Horse Coach Video Catalog
The Remote Horse Coach Video Catalog

The Remote Horse Coach
Video Catalog

Join Alternative Horsemanship™ to eliminate the guessing, hopeful, horse interactions. The Remote Horse Coach video catalog offers an extension of AH learning opportunities with a wide range of detailed, in-depth insights into various horse-related topics. Start by understanding the fundamentals of equine behavior to improve your communication and horse skills. Develop tools to raise self-awareness and offer real-time, adaptable support to the horse to create trust-building interactions leading to a willing and reasonable equine partner. Gain insight into the foundation of the biomechanics of aids offered from the ground and in the saddle to improve your confidence.

Whether you are a seasoned horse owner or a novice, the instructional horse videos focus on addressing the foundational root causes of common horse problems rather than trying to mask symptoms of unwanted equine behavior. Learn to recognize subtle horse communication and practical solutions to build a solid equine partnership.

The effective teaching approach that Samantha Harvey offers is based on learning without hurry, fear, or chaos in the horse or human. She often highlights overlooked aspects of the horse industry with a priority on creating quality interactions. Her straightforward teaching style was developed over the last 30 years as an equine professional working with students worldwide.

Watch when convenient
Watch when convenient

Horse video rentals vary from daily, weekly, monthly, or annual options.

Knowledge for all Experience Levels
Knowledge for all Experience Levels

Applicable content for wherever you are in your horse journey.

The First Step
The First Step

Learning with and about horses is an ongoing opportunity for refinement.

Symptoms vs Source
Symptoms vs Source

Learn to address the contributing source(s) to unwanted equine behavior.

Choose from a variety of Horse Topics

Alternative Horsemanship™ unique approach focuses on prioritizing teaching horse behavior to help human students build the essential horse skills needed to create a safe and rewarding horse experience. Below is a sample of the many topics taught by Sam.

Horse Skills Webinars

From rider mindset to raising awareness, from developing skills and understanding equine behavior. New videos uploaded monthly.

From 20-60 minutes.

Rider Skills & Biomechanics

Gain insight into the biomechanics to improve your balance in the saddle, starting on the ground.

Video Series

Equine Behavior Courses

Instructional courses teaching how to "read" subtle horse behaviors and diminish unwanted, excessive, fearful responses.

Choose from several courses

Horse Shopping Help

A must for those considering buying a horse. 5-Part Course helping breaking down the horse buying experience to help you make educated decision about the purchase of your next equine partner.

5-Part Course

Defensive Horse Behavior

Can you recognize defensive horse behavior?

Can you reconize the behavior?

Horse Learning Video Vault

Learn from over 65 videos sharing horse knowledge, considerations, and skills in this motivational series for equine enthusiasts.

Horse Learning Help

There is no secret to building a connection with your equine companion.

Learn the skills to develop trust, try, reasonableness, and willingness in your horse.


"Your talks are inspirational, practical, and instructive. I can imagine as you describe — and want to raise my game." Betsy, MA, USA

"Thank you for enlightening me and all of us about a more holistic and respectful approach to working with the horse." 

Debra CA, USA

Chantelle J, UK
Tori, CA, USA
Sarah, WA, USA
Marilyn, WA, USA
Nami Z, Australia

"I completed one of Sam's Equine Behavior Courses in June and was really impressed with the presentation, which was easy to understand and immensely enjoyable. She is very thought-provoking and it has led me to consider the conversation my horse has to off and listen for his responses. Thank you Sam."

Chantelle J, UK

" After watching the 'Reading the Horse' behavior course, I’ve been working to help my horse stop anticipating what I’m going to ask of him, which has in turn helped him to release tension and drain some of his defensiveness towards me and my asks. Today was his 13th birthday and a pretty successful session. Just wanted to share a small celebration we’ve shared after applying what I’ve learned from you."

Tori, CA, USA

"Thank you for this mindfulness webinar. I look forward to interactions with my horse but I know I get excited inside to make connections and may overstep the intentions that I initially set out to make. I hope I can start off with more clarity but it’s also interesting how we humans can get into that grey area so easily. I plan to watch these videos again this week and take notes for gentle reminders to start fresh each time. I know I have a lot to practice to bring my awareness into focus, clear my mind, gain confidence and work towards gaining the trust of my horse. Thank you so much."

Sarah, WA, USA

"Thought I should tell you, though, how often I use the tools you give us.  Feeding, leading, loading, riding, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, I'm far more aware of what my horses are feeling and thinking, which (as you obviously know!) leads to better communication and a positive outcome.  I think the loading moments are my favorites...where is the brain?...come back to me!...oh, hello, you wanted what?  Thanks for expanding the horizons of both me and my horse. "

Marilyn, WA, USA

"Such a clear break down of information. So much for me to look at with the horses I am around. The horse is so clear with his communication when we know what to look for. Thank you

Nami Z, Australia

Why not a Step 1, 2, 3 horse training method?

Many students find Alternative Horsemanship™ after becoming frustrated when the rigidity of a one-size-fits-all training approach limits their ability to help the horse. 

Instead, Sam prioritizes teaching skills that apply to all horses. Her focus is on educating equine enthusiasts to have a realistic perspective on short and long-term evolving horse journey.  Developing skills in the horse and human, eliminates the ongoing need or "reliance on the instructor" for progression, new scenarios, or to adapt and help the horse in any given situation.

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